Appeal of the State Committee to the parents

29 July 2022


In recent days, news in the media, and mainly in social networks of socially active citizens reflecting the tragic facts about children, makes us once again pay attention to the bitter truth - some cases of parental irresponsibility.

Because improper performance of parental duties, indifference of some parents to their obligations to children, abuse of their rights, as well as neglect, indifference and inattention lead to accidents with children.

But how to prevent these incidents, what should parents pay attention to?

To do this, they must have at least a general knowledge of the age characteristics, interests and needs of children, so that they can adjust their behavior and attitudes accordingly.

Parents must understand that the thoughts and characteristics of each child are different from the thoughts and characteristics of other peers, accept this and take this into account in all their actions and behavior.

First of all, they should devote enough time to their children, strengthen communication between family members based on mutual respect and love.

Children who form their behavior within the framework of these rules in the family, from the first day are able to value their personal freedom, understand their obligations to their relatives and members of society around them, learn to live by the rules. Because parents are the first teachers of their children's life.

For this reason, every parent should work diligently to develop their child's personal skills and abilities, and set expectations for them according to the level of knowledge they can acquire.

Parents should be aware of their children's daily life and accept their privacy.

There are no ideal or imperfect parents, but there are parents who correctly or poorly show attention and love to their children. Therefore, parents or persons entrusted with this duty should correctly determine what children and adolescents need and try to provide it, they should be the protectors of their best interests.

The State Committee calls on families and members of society to pay attention to their children, who are the future of all of us and Azerbaijan, and to join forces so that they grow up spiritually rich and physically healthy.